About Us

About Us

Welcome to Grace Presbyterian Church

Grace Presbyterian Church is a developing church plant in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). At Grace Presbyterian Church we believe God mainly works through the ordinary means of grace including the preaching and reading of his Word, the practice of corporate and individual prayer, and participation in the sacraments (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). We especially value expository preaching where Jesus Christ is central. You can visit our sermon archive page to hear our current series and catch up on any past series. As a reformed church we emphasize confessional and reformed theology in our understanding of the Bible. “Presbyterian” is a Greek word meaning “elder-led.” We  encourage believers to become members of the church, submitting to the accountability of the elders whom the Lord has charged with the responsibility of pastoral care and oversight (1 Peter 5:1-3). And, in order to be an evangelical witness in the city of Clovis we encourage everyone “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).

Our Music

At Grace Presbyterian Church we believe the content of the song is far more important than the style of music. Worship is first and foremost about God. Thus, the lyrics should direct our praise to God rather than man. While we believe God-centered content is essential, we think there is freedom in style. In fact, the quality of music style is necessarily subjective. In light of that, we seek to praise the Lord with music that resonates with the culture while remaining faithful to the truth. We appreciate the lyrical depth and richness of the traditional hymns written by our forefathers in the faith, but we also recognize the value of singing new songs to the Lord (Psalm 96:1). Ultimately, the worship we offer to the Lord should be passionate and reverent.