Home Fellowship Groups
Home Fellowship Groups gather in homes to discuss that week’s sermon. Each group discusses the sermon passage (and other related texts) and its application to our lives. We are also committed to spending time in prayer for one another each week. An encouraging quote I came across as we were preparing to implement HFGs is from Thomas White (1672), “It is better to hear one sermon only and meditate upon that, than to hear two sermons and meditate upon neither.”…
Men’s Forum
Join us for a discussion on various theological topics.

Afternoon Worship
We offer biblical worship to the one true God that is simple yet Spiritual, reverent yet joyful, historic yet evangelistic. Our order of service emphasizes expository Christ-centered preaching. We include elements of worship that are rooted in church history. Please come prepared to worship in joyful reverence. We gather again to close out the Lord’s Day in worship at 4pm. On the second Sunday of every month we enjoy a church family potluck dinner after the worship service. Current Afternoon…
GYM Class
Enrollment is open to all students from 7th-12th grade. Each week we enjoy a time of games, singing, teaching, and discussion. No need for a “guest pass”. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to bring a friend! Please let us know if you have any questions. [bestwebsoft_contact_form]
Baby Shower for PCC
The ladies of Grace Clovis are invited to a Baby Shower in honor of the Pregnancy Care Center on Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 10:00am. There will be a light brunch as well as a presentation by a representative of PCC. Please bring unwrapped items such as: Disposable diapers (sizes: newborn, 1,2, or 3) Small infant toys Teething rings Diaper ointment Sleepers Swaddling blankets