Sermon Archive (Page 23)

How to Pray to God

I simply want to recommend four resources to help you to pray. One is essential, and the other three are very helpful. 1. The Word of God 2. Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney 3. A Way to Pray by Matthew Henry, O. Palmer Robertson 4. Echo Prayer App
Sermon Series on Matthew 26-28

The Shame of the Cross

The Shame of the Cross (Mt. 27:26-44) One of the most embarrassing moments of my childhood was when I went clothes shopping with my mom and older brother. I didn’t care much for shopping or picking out my own clothes. I pretty much was just there to try things on that my mom picked out for me. My brother, on the other hand, enjoyed taking his time. He wanted to look at every item in his size and try them…

Do Not Be Anxious! (but when you are…)

Who wants to hear someone telling them to “Calm down!” at a time like this? It sounds naive and trite. But, Paul wrote that from prison! He faced incredible challenges throughout his ministry. So we can assume that Paul was familiar with anxiety. He’s not rebuking people to “Chill out!” He’s calling upon everyone to join him in seeking peace from the only source of true and lasting peace. Phil. 4:4-5a, “4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say,…
Sermon Series on Matthew 26-28

The Institution of the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:26-29)

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper – Part 3 Well, I’m about to preach God’s Word as I’ve never preached it before! Literally… Let’s just get over the fact that this is awkward. It feels very different speaking to you through a camera. I can’t see your faces when I say something confusing. On the plus side, I also can’t see you nodding off to sleep. This just feels awkward. And it should because Church is not supposed to be…

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper – Part 2

We are taking the time to reflect upon the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. As I explained in a previous video, we were about to wrap up a series on Revelation and move into a series on Matthew 26-28. In particular, I intend on teaching about communion (Mt. 26:26-29), crucifixion (Mt. 27), resurrection (Mt. 28a), and commission (28b). In the previous video, I introduced the subject and why it is important for us to consider. There church’s practice of communion…

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper – Introduction

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Many of you have seen the quote from C.S. Lewis regarding how people should live in an “atomic age”, with the reality that a bomb might drop upon them and wipe them out at any moment. It was an important question that many people were asking and it makes sense to apply that to our situation today in dealing with the fear of the Coronavirus. I have seen a dramatic increase in the number…

Ministry in a time of Coronavirus

The Coronavirus has given us an opportunity to shepherd you through these difficult times in ways we have not done before. May God grant us spiritual unity as we remain physically apart. This video is an explanation of our tentative plan through the end of March, 2020.

“The New Jerusalem – Pt. 2” (Revelation 21:22 – 22:5)

The New Jerusalem – Pt. 2 (Rev. 21:22-22:5) I wondered whether we should take a week to consider how the Bible might encourage us during this Coronavirus pandemic. The response from people around the world has ranged from sheer panic to complete indifference. We certainly want to avoid both extremes. We also need to prepare to show compassion to those who are vulnerable and in need during this time. And we cannot allow this virus to become our all consuming…

“The New Jerusalem” (Revelation 21:9-21)

The New Jerusalem The New Jerusalem Brad Mills / General   When God called Abraham out of Ur, away from his family, he departed with nothing but faith in God’s covenant promise. He did not know where he was going. He did not know the challenges that awaited him on his journey. What Abraham did know was that the promises God gave to him were not going to be fulfilled in his lifetime. He had a perspective that serves as…

“The New Heaven and New Earth” (Revelation 21:1-8)

The New Heaven and New Earth The New Heaven and New Earth Brad Mills / General   In 2008, a Dutch newspaper poll voted the city of Charleroi to be “The Ugliest City in the World”. Honestly, I can think of plenty of places in worse shape. The voting was weighted to places in the Belgian region, but it still felt like a low blow to those who lived there and appreciated its charm. No doubt, everyone could see that…