Sermons by Adrian Dieleman

low angle view of cross against sky at night

Sardis: The Dying Church

In Revelation 3:1-6, we read the letter from Jesus to the church at Sardis. It is a solemn reminder to us to remain vigilant and active in love and good works, lest we fall under a similar condemnation.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

Jesus Revealed

In John 21:1-14, we see Jesus third appearance to his disciples following his resurrection. By this time, we might expect them to be excited and eager to spread the gospel, yet instead we find them returning to their former life as fishers of fish.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

Easter’s Footrace

In John 20:1-9, we see Simon Peter and John race to the tomb upon hearing Mary’s news that Jesus’ body is missing. As we have come to expect, the disciples fail to understand what has happened… until the lights turn on for John, and he begins to grasp the truth in faith, without seeing the risen Lord.

The Meaning of Palm Sunday

In John 12:12-19, we see the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As we draw out the meaning of this event, it is clear that the people in the crowd misunderstood Jesus’ mission and purpose in coming to Jerusalem publicly,
low angle view of cross against sky at night

Thyatira: The Tolerant Church

In Revelation 2, we read the letter from Jesus to the church in Thyatira, where it was difficult to make a living without belonging to a guild, and guild membership was intimately related to the worship of the patron god of the guild. This put many Christians in an awkward position, and some compromised.
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