Sermons on Psalms

low angle view of cross against sky at night

The House(hold) that the Lord Builds

In Psalm 127, Solomon shares some wisdom that to modern readers may seem rather disjointed at first, as the metaphors used may seem unrelated. When understood rightly, the whole Psalm speaks of the proper building of godly households.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

Our Wandering Hearts and Our Wonderful God

In Psalm 73, the Psalmist is troubled by the world outside and confounded by looking within until he looks upward and discerns the eternal destiny of the wicked and finds comfort in our wonderful God.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

O How I Love Your Law!

In Psalm 1 and Psalm 119, we see the psalmist’s love for the law of God. We can categorize the laws of God in three ways, and use them in three distinct ways.

The Sanctity Of Human Life

More than 60M abortions since 1973. That is equivalent to the populations of California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and Nevada combined! Imagine every human being in those states disappearing. That is roughly 19% of the population of the United States today. I don’t typically preach topical sermons, but today is the 50th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and the first year since the Supreme Court of the United States overturned it. It seemed like an appropriate year to join with many churches around…

How to Pray to God

I simply want to recommend four resources to help you to pray. One is essential, and the other three are very helpful. 1. The Word of God 2. Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney 3. A Way to Pray by Matthew Henry, O. Palmer Robertson 4. Echo Prayer App

“Absorbed in God’s Word” (Psalm 119:9-16)

Absorbed in God’s Word Absorbed in God’s Word Brad Mills / General Bible; Meditate; Purity / Psalm 119:9–16   One of my traditions has been to use the last Sunday of the year to prepare us for the new year. We have considered several psalms which help us to look back with gratitude. But I want to return to Psalm 119 and spend time picking up at vv.9-16. This is the quintessential chapter on God’s word. Almost every verse refers…