Sermons by Scott Parish

low angle view of cross against sky at night

Joseph, A Righteous Man

Drawing from a selection of passages from the gospels of Matthew and Luke, Scott Parrish exhorts fathers to Godly living and Biblical Masculinity, drawing from the examples of Joseph, the father of Jesus.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

The Parable of the Sower

In Luke 8:4-15, we read the parable of the Sower and the four types of soil which cause us to reflect on our own hearts and repent on the things that keep us from being fruitful.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

Run With Holiness

In Hebrews 12:12-17, the author admonishes his readers to live holy lives and calls out a number of specific sins to be watchful for in the church.

Run With Endurance

In Hebrews 12:1-11, Paul uses the metaphor of a race to encourage his readers to cast aside those things that hinder our pursuit of Christ.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

The Creation of Marriage

Continuing from last week, in Matthew 19:5-6 Jesus corrects the pharisees’ understanding of marriage by going back to its creation in Genesis 2.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

The Creation of Male and Female

In Matthew 19:3-4, Jesus corrects the pharisees in their understanding of marriage by going back to creation. So also in this modern era must we correct our own and our culture’s misunderstandings about the sexuality and gender by returning to scripture.
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