Sermon Archive (Page 52)

Chosen By God (1 Peter 1:1-2) Part 2

1 Peter 1:1-2 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who are elect exiles of athe Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia,Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, 2 according to bthe foreknowledge of God the Father,cin the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and dfor sprinklingwith his blood: May egrace and fpeace be multiplied to you.

Chosen By God (1 Peter 1:1-2) Part 1

Introduction In the business world, a company is irrelevant when it becomes indistinguishable from its competitors. Likewise, the Church becomes irrelevant when she is indistinguishable from the world. Thaddeus Williams, in an article titled “The Secret to Becoming Irrelevant: Spend All Your Time Trying to Be Relevant” The Relevance Question (What would it look like for us, as believers, to be relevant to unbelievers?) is a good question; it is just not to be the first question. When relevance is our…

The Birth of a Redeemer (Ruth 4:13-22)

Introduction Ruth concludes with genealogy. Obed > King David. Bethlehem, House of Bread > Bread of Life, Jesus. Primary focus = Naomi. Death and emptiness > Life and fullness. Read Ruth 4:13-22 Why does history drag out so long? Why doesn’t Jesus return right now? Why does everyone wait? Old Testament saints waited for Messiah. Every redeemer potentially the one. None fit. Then Christ came, in infant form. He accomplished reconciliation, yet still awaiting consummation. We wait for his return. What…

The Cost of a Wedding (Ruth 4:1-12)

Introduction Machiavelli, The Prince, “There is nothing so self-defeating as generosity: in the act of practicing it, you lose the ability to do so.” Boaz has proven to be generous. He operated on different principles than everyone else. Isn’t that the gospel? In the act of losing his life, Jesus saved us. It was self-defeating, then Jesus conquered death as well. In Ruth 3, redemption promised, but who fulfill? Read Ruth 4:1-12 Difficult elements in Ruth: The levirate-marriage (Deut. 25) Land and redemption…

Bless the Lord (Psalm 134)

Introduction “The Songs of Ascent” span from Psalms 120-134. The phrase literally translates “A Song of Steps”. Luther translates ”A Song from the higher choir” thinking it had to do with their singing from an elevated platform for better projection of their voices. However, the traditional view is that these psalms were sung on the pilgrimage back to Jerusalem at various feast times, but particularly during Passover (From Kedar 120:5 to the temple 134). This psalm includes both a call…

Finding Rest in the Redeemer (Ruth 3:16-18)

Introduction Ch.3 is difficult. Is Naomi’s promoting reckless immorality (v.4)? Actually, Naomi seeking security for Ruth (v.1). Ruth couldn’t glean forever. Naomi wouldn’t be around forever. Ruth would find rest in a husband, a goal she had in Moab (1:9). Read Ruth 3:16-18 “Rest” bookends the chapter (vv.1 & 18). Different words in Hebrew, but similar meaning (Ruth’s rest/Boaz’s peace). Who understands rest? Teens at chore time? Once again, God’s grace and mercy revealed through the words and actions of…