Sermon Archive (Page 54)

A Bitter Journey (Ruth 1:1-6)

Introduction We noted last week that chapter one presents the problem of death and emptiness in Naomi’s life. The solution begins to develop in chapter two, but the reader must wait until the very end of the story before seeing the full realization. Read Ruth 1:1-6 The famine that occurs in Bethlehem begins the story and explains why Elimelech is moving his family to Moab (1:1). The Lord’s provision of food ends the episode and begins the return journey of Naomi, now widowed and…

Introduction to Ruth

When Graeme Goldsworthy was asked to preach on Ruth 1 he quickly recognized that he would need to consider the book as a whole in order to grasp the “real significance” of the first chapter. The purpose of the book of Ruth is seen more clearly when the structure is understood. Therefore, it is important to begin our study of chapter one with an overview of the whole book paying careful attention to the way in which the author organized…

Faithful Proclamation (Acts 28:17-31)

Introduction Paul survived a shipwreck and snake attack before safely arriving in Rome. He has now been left under the watch of a single guard and allowed the privilege of visitors. Read Acts 28:17-31 We have seen several themes as we have made our way through this book (The Holy Spirit, Apostolic Miracles, Hospitality, Suffering, etc.). But the book ends on the most prominent theme. It was the same theme we began with, namely Spirit-Empowered Evangelism – witnessing for Christ (1:8). Almost…

Safe and Bound (Acts 28:1-16)

Introduction Everyone’s safely on shore. Paul is still a prisoner. Safe, but God accomplishing his will in unexpected ways. That theme continues… Read Acts 28:1-16 God is orchestrating everything, faithfully keeping his promise to bring Paul to Rome. But considering all that Paul has suffered, will question the Lord’s kindness? In spite of Paul’s consistent character, you have to wonder when he breaks. PTSD after 4th shipwreck? Paul desperately needed to know the kindness of God. And wouldn’t you know it…shortly…

I Will Remember (Psalm 77)

Introduction Despair is a pervasive problem. And it is commonly associated with the night. Maybe you are one of the millions in despair about one or both of the presidential candidates. Or maybe it is something more personal and private. Or maybe you can’t pinpoint a cause. Regardless of what is causing your despair, Psalm 77 is sure to be a source of great comfort. Read Psalm 77 The psalmist never receives an explanation for his circumstances. He teaches us how to…

Rome or Bust (Acts 27)

Introduction Paul’s 3MJ ended abruptly with his unlawful arrest. Now, more than two years later, he is still in custody awaiting a hearing before Nero in Rome. That hearing as apparently been granted. Read Acts 27 The length of this account points to its significance for Luke. God doesn’t fulfill his promise to Paul in predictable fashion. We can better understand an episode like this when it happens to someone like Jonah. In his case, the storm was a means…

I Cheerfully Make My Defense (Acts 24)

Introduction Over the next three chapters Paul will testify before Governor Felix, Governor Festus, and King Agrippa. Think about the toll that would have on the apostle. This was all part of the suffering Paul knew he would endure for his Savior. Read Acts 24:1-27 Tertullus’ Prosecution (1-9) Paul’s Defense (10-22) Felix’s Response (23-27) Tertullus’ Prosecution (1-9) The excessive flattery is absurd. Felix dealt with the Jews in such violent ways that they hated him. He squashed frequent uprisings and…

Meditates Day and Night (Psalm 1)

Introduction The Psalms: Combine theology with personal biography. Express every human emotion > the antidote to intellectual formalism. They move us from Trust > Obedience > Praise. Psalm 1 teaches us how we are to offer our praise to God. Read Psalm 1 The pursuit of happiness drives everyone. No one has said it more succinctly, clearly and repeatedly than John Piper: “God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.” Where am I finding satisfaction? Our happiness in…

A Plot to Kill (Acts 23:12-35)

Introduction Paul has just received the encouragement of the Lord (11). Read Acts 23:12-35 In February 2008, I was called into the boss’s office and let go… > Carrie was only weeks away from delivering our third daughter… > Within a few months we sold our car and our house and moved to Mississippi. The circumstances that brought us there were not planned, but looking back, we see God’s hand guiding us. ”Providence, like Hebrew letters, must be read backwards.”…