Sermon Archive (Page 57)

Good News of Peace (Acts 10:30-43)

We have seen a couple of pivotal moments in Acts. When the Holy Spirit descended upon believers in Acts 2. This moment sparked an evangelistic revival within the life of the early church that allowed it to experience rapid growth. However, as the church increased the persecution it faced also increased. When Saul, the man at the center of the persecution, was converted. Jesus appeared to Saul while he was “still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the…

Hospitality and the Mission of God (Acts 10:17-29)

Francis and Edith Schaeffer founded L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland in 1955 as a means of inviting students to ask their most challenging questions and experience genuine Christian care. Christine Pohl was one of thirty students who experienced L’Abri at another site in England. She writes, “It was there that I first saw how much more powerfully the gospel spoke when those who were teaching opened their homes and their lives to strangers—with no pretense, no perfection, but extraordinary faithfulness and…

Double Vision (Acts 10:1-16)

If it is true that, The Kingdom of God expands when the perception of cultural barriers are removed, how are we promoting their removal in our own lives?

Raising Hope (Acts 9:32-43)

After spending a lengthy emphasis on Saul’s conversion, Luke transitions back to Peter. Those who were afraid to join the Church because of the persecution were now free to do so without fear of oppression. But this text reminds us that a greater oppression remained, the oppression of sin and its consequences. However, we have a Savior who is capable of raising our hope tasting a future where all oppression will cease. Read Acts 9:32-43 The Church’s greatest persecutor has been…

A Basket Case (Acts 9:19b-31)

I’ve stolen the excellent sermon title from Derek Thomas’ Reformed Expository Commentary on Acts. The conversion of Saul was as significant as it was shocking. After trying to destroy Christianity, he took the gospel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). The man who sparked a great persecution (Acts 8:1) against the Church became her greatest promoter. Before we read this passage let us look to the Lord in prayer for his help in understanding it. Read Acts 9:19b-31 Our conversion…

The Mission of God and the Conversion of Saul (Acts 9:1-19a)

The trajectory of Saul’s life was dramatically corrected. To some degree, this is true of everyone who submits to the will of God. Our fallen worldview, selfish desires, and depraved thoughts must be transformed. Our conversion blinds us to the things of this world in order to redirect our vision. It is the beauty of Christ that begins to flood our hearts and minds. The truth of the Gospel transforms our purposes to set aside our own glory in order to live for God’s glory. Jesus Christ corrects our worldview by giving us eyes to see him and his mission. First, we will look at Sight Lost (1-9). Second, we’ll see Sight Regained (10-19).

Evangelizing an Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)

God grows our faith by providing opportunities to witness to others.God guides Philip throughout this passage. The angel tells Philip where to go (v.26). The Spirit prompts Philip to join the Ethiopian (v.29). And, when the mission was fulfilled the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away (v.39). This is not the story of a man searching for God, but of God searching for a man.