God Is Sovereign (Genesis 25:19-34)
Crisis is inevitable and conflict is unavoidable, but we trust in a God who is sovereign over both! First, we will see that God Is Sovereign Over Crisis (19-26). Second, we’ll see that God Is Sovereign Over Conflict (27-34).
Covenant Faithfulness (Genesis 24)
Ultimately, this passage is about the covenant faithfulness of God and the way he draws people into that covenant and blesses them within it. So we will consider three aspects of the covenant this morning: First, we will look at The Covenant Prayer. Second, we’ll see The Covenant Priority. And third, we will note The Covenant Privilege.
The Death of Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 23 and 25)
Sin brought death into the world, but let’s consider from this passage what death brings into our lives. First, we will see that Death Brings Mourning. Second, we’ll see that Death Brings Responsibilities. And third, we will see that Death Brings Opportunities.
The Sovereign Shepherd (Isaiah 40:10-11)
This morning we will consider three qualities of the God we are told to behold. First, we will consider how He Comes With Might (10a). Second, we’ll see that He Comes With Reward (10b). And third, we will note how He Comes With Gentleness (11).
Herald of Good News (Isaiah 40:9)
The message of this verse is simple: The good news of the coming of our Lord is to be heralded without fear for all to hear. First, we will address the question Who are the heralds? Second, we’ll answer the question How do they herald? And third, we want to understand What do they herald?
The Glory of the Lord (Isaiah 40:3-5)
Turn in your bibles to Isaiah 40. We are continuing our Advent series titled “Prepare the Way” looking at Isaiah 40:1-11. Last week we considered verses 1-2 focusing on the subject of comfort. With regard to the nation of Israel, this was a promise to be comforted at the end of their Babylonian captivity. They were in a position of waiting on God with a growing sense of discouragement. Just as the message of comfort was applicable to Israel, it…
Comfort My People (Isaiah 40:1-2)
First, we will consider How to Give Comfort (1-2a). Second, we’ll see Why to Receive Comfort (2b).
The Cost of the Covenant (Genesis 22:1-19)
We first have to ask the question: What kind of God would require such a test? First, we will look at A Crushing Command (1-2). Second, we’ll see A Devoted Dependence (3-10). And third, we will see A Promised Possession (11-19).
The Reward of the Covenant (Genesis 15)
In Genesis 12, God called Abram and gave him several promises. By the time we come to Genesis 15, not one of those promises has been fulfilled. Abram was promised he would be great nation (which implies he would have a lot of children), and his offspring was promised a land to inherit. The problem is that Abram doesn’t have a son, nor does he have an inheritance to pass on.
First, we will look at the promise that God Gives Hope (1-6). Second, we’ll see that God Gives Assurance (7-11, 18-21). And third, we will note how God Gives Grace (12-17).