Sermons on John
Sent With A Purpose
In John 6:35-40, Jesus gives us one of the reasons he was sent.
The Meaning of Palm Sunday
In John 12:12-19, we see the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As we draw out the meaning of this event, it is clear that the people in the crowd misunderstood Jesus’ mission and purpose in coming to Jerusalem publicly,
Jesus and Nicodemus
In John 3:1-15, we meet Nicodemus: a Pharisee who stands out from his peers in that he seems to be genuinely seeking answers and not looking to entrap Jesus, and yet fails to understand because he has not yet been born again.
Friends and Enemies of Jesus
Join Jesus for dinner at the home of Simon the Leper in John 12. We will learn something of what it means to be a friend and child of Jesus, and what it means to be an enemy of Jesus. In Mary, Lazarus, and Martha: what it looks like to love and serve the Lord; in Judas, what it looks like to only love and serve self.
Once In Royal David’s City
The New Testament begins after 400 years of silence. It would have been a time when the church was asking: Where is God? It also begins during a historically significant time in Roman history. Rome had been entrenched in centuries of warfare and imperial expansion until Caesar Augustus ushered in 200 years of peace, known as the Pax Romana. The people were asking: Who needs God? In light of history, we are insignificant and powerless, yet we remain full of self-sufficient pride. God…
The Word Became Flesh (John 1:14-18)
Introduction When decorations and trinkets trivialize the image of Jesus, it’s just as important now, as it ever was in history, that we seriously consider who this child truly was – and is. Read John 1:1-18 Dorothy Sayers We may call that doctrine exhilarating or we may call it devastating; we may call it revelation or we may call it rubbish; but if we call it dull then words have no meaning at all. Only those without a spiritual pulse…
The Resurrection (John 20:1-18)
The fact of the resurrection demands a response of faith and provides the gift of comfort. First, we will look at The Response of Faith (1-10). Second, we’ll see The Gift of Comfort (11-18).