The King Of Glory (Matthew 21:1-11)
Charismatic leaders have deceived entire nations into following them. They have stirred up support to enter into unjust wars. They have tortured and slaughtered innocent people (oftentimes their own citizens) in order to extend their wealth and power. History is full of leaders of that sort. The King of Kings was radically different. Rather than earning wealth and power, the second person of the Trinity was willing to empty himself of his heavenly prerogatives. He humbled himself taking on flesh,…
The Sanctity Of Human Life
More than 60M abortions since 1973. That is equivalent to the populations of California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and Nevada combined! Imagine every human being in those states disappearing. That is roughly 19% of the population of the United States today. I don’t typically preach topical sermons, but today is the 50th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and the first year since the Supreme Court of the United States overturned it. It seemed like an appropriate year to join with many churches around…
Biblical Sexuality and the Call for a Bold Response (Genesis 1-2; Romans 1)
I mentioned what others have said about Biblical Sexuality Sermon Sunday in a previous post. The church leadership thought it was important to address the issue of biblical sexuality not only for the cultural moment that Canada is facing at the moment, but also because of the matters we are dealing with in our own denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America. In 2006, a case regarding the clash between sexual and religious freedom came before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court…