Sermons on Faith

The Gift of Impartial Deliverance
Luke 5:17-32
Easter’s Footrace
In John 20:1-9, we see Simon Peter and John race to the tomb upon hearing Mary’s news that Jesus’ body is missing. As we have come to expect, the disciples fail to understand what has happened… until the lights turn on for John, and he begins to grasp the truth in faith, without seeing the risen Lord.
The Risen King (Luke 24:13-35)
How is your daily bible reading going? Do you follow a plan? Have you been able to stick to it? When you read, is your heart warmed by your communion with the Lord? Are you filled with anticipation, excitement, and joy? What does any of this have to do with the resurrection of Jesus? It happens to be the central point of one of the most significant resurrection accounts recorded for us in Luke 24. It reminds us that reading the bible…

“The Death of Samson” Judges 16:1-31
The Death of Samson (Judges 16) Introduction I’m going to try to be somewhat discreet as I preach this text, but we will need to address a topic that was a significant problem for Samson. It’s a significant problem for many more people today. In his book, Hide or Seek, John Freeman writes: At times I’m still amazed at the pushback I get from men who are reluctant to install a filter or accountability software on their computer. For men,…
“Jesus and John the Baptist” (Luke 7:18-35)
Jesus and John the Baptist (Luke 7:18-35) It’s easy to follow Jesus when we are getting what we want out of life. But what happens when that’s not the case? How do you respond when everything you touch seems to fall apart? What do you do when you are hindered from achieving your goals? Do you turn to God? Can you be honest in prayer about how you’re feeling? Or, do you shut down? Our response to Jesus, including how…
“The Centurion’s Faith” (Luke 7:1-10)
All, Faith
“Build Your House Upon A Rock” (Luke 6:46-49)
Introduction Throughout this discourse Jesus has been addressing disciples, but it seems to go back and forth between genuine and false disciples. Blessings are followed by woes. Our love should be different than the self-serving love of the world. We should know the difference between rebuking and condemning. We should be the first to repent before calling others to repent. We come to the conclusion of Jesus’ discourse which contains a very direct question of the integrity of his audience.…
The Great Transformer (Amos 5:6-13)
Introduction Amos’ scathing judgment has climaxed into a lament. Bethel (6-13) Jacob (Gen. 28:10-22; 35:1-15). Represented a place where God’s presence and calling were uniquely felt. Genuine experience of God’s transforming power. Beersheba (14-20) Abraham (Gen. 26:23-24), Jacob (Gen. 46:1-4). Each received assurance that God was with them. Gilgal (21-27) Joshua 4:19, first encampment after entering the Promised Land. Covenant renewal – circumcision and Passover (5:2-12). Saul crowned (1 Sam. 11:14-15). Represented a place of religious ceremony. Read Amos 5:6-13…
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