Sermons on Faith (Page 2)
Judgment of the Hypocrite (Amos 2:4-16)
Introduction Have you ever been punished for mocking the punishment of others? While you’re laughing at the discipline of your brother, your father or mother turns to you. Amos has been called out of his life as a sheep-breeder (1:1) to declare the Lord’s roar from Zion (1:2). He has proclaimed judgment of the nations (1:3-2:3). Now he turns his attention to the people of God. Read Amos 2:4-16 Punishment falls upon the covenant people too! God expects obedience. He…
Love That Will Not Let Go (Ruth 1:7-22)
Introduction We are continuing a look at this opening chapter and its theme of death and emptiness in Naomi’s life. Last week we saw that her family’s move to Moab left her without her two sons and her husband (5). But God has brought and end to the famine (6). Read Ruth 1:7-22 When we suffer and go through seasons of difficult circumstances, we often run. We attempt to flee our problems, and sometimes that includes fleeing the Church. We run from the one thing that…
Name Above All Names (Acts 19:1-20)
Introduction The Shallows by Nicholas Carr The Net’s interactivity gives us powerful new tools for finding information, expressing ourselves, and conversing with others. It also turns us into lab rats constantly pressing levers to get tiny pellets of social or intellectual nourishment. There is an unfortunate connection between our mindless use of the internet and the way we often practice our faith. In our fallen nature we are content with gaining a minimal knowledge, in the fewest interactions, with the lowest…
The Mission of God and the Conversion of Saul (Acts 9:1-19a)
The trajectory of Saul’s life was dramatically corrected. To some degree, this is true of everyone who submits to the will of God. Our fallen worldview, selfish desires, and depraved thoughts must be transformed. Our conversion blinds us to the things of this world in order to redirect our vision. It is the beauty of Christ that begins to flood our hearts and minds. The truth of the Gospel transforms our purposes to set aside our own glory in order to live for God’s glory. Jesus Christ corrects our worldview by giving us eyes to see him and his mission. First, we will look at Sight Lost (1-9). Second, we’ll see Sight Regained (10-19).
Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams (Genesis 41)
Our spiritual famine can only be satisfied when we feast upon Christ by faith. First, we will see that Joseph Is Remembered (1-13). Second, we’ll see that Joseph Is Released (14-36). And third, we will note how Joseph Is Exalted (37-57).
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