Sermons on Following Jesus

The Gift of Impartial Deliverance
Luke 5:17-32
The Risen King (Luke 24:13-35)
How is your daily bible reading going? Do you follow a plan? Have you been able to stick to it? When you read, is your heart warmed by your communion with the Lord? Are you filled with anticipation, excitement, and joy? What does any of this have to do with the resurrection of Jesus? It happens to be the central point of one of the most significant resurrection accounts recorded for us in Luke 24. It reminds us that reading the bible…
Crowned With Glory And Honor
In “The Good of Nationalism Pt 2”, Bradford Littlejohn notes the temptation Christians had after the conversion of Roman Emperor Constantine: “In every age, Christians have been tempted to ‘immanentize the eschaton,’ translating the expectations of the eschatological kingdom of God into the midst of history. So it was for early Christians, dazed and delighted by the conversion of Constantine and the end of persecution: perhaps Christian Rome was to be the earthly political manifestation of the worldwide kingdom of…
But You Remain
We can all get a bit nostalgic about returning to time when we didn’t have a care in the world. For many of us, that’s a time in childhood where we felt a sense of security. For some of us that time was a very brief window before the hardships of reality crept into our lives. An essential aspect of our reality is that we are in constant flux, alongside other creatures and creation that is constantly changing. We have…
Jesus Is Greater Than….Part 2
We’re considering two things: 1. The Author 2. The Audience Why does this matter? They will have a significant impact upon our interpretation (hermeneutics). • Historical-Grammatical: Treats the Bible as God’s Word and understands that it conveys objective truth. Seeks to understand the original intent of the author. • Historical-Critical (Higher Criticism): Treats the Bible like any other text assuming no possibility of miraculous activity. Seeks to understand the author’s intended meaning. • Reader-Response: The Bible conveys subjective truth to…
“The Priority of Following Jesus” (Luke 9:57-62)
The Priority of Following Jesus (Luke 9:57-62) A few months ago we were at Costco looking at Traeger smokers. Our BBQ is on its last leg and we’ve heard good things about Traegers. After talking to the salesman, we were on the verge of leaving with one. But we decided to grab some lunch at the food court and think it over. Personally, I had every intention of going back and buying it, but after calling some folks we began…