Sermons on Gospel (Page 3)
“No Other Gospel” (Galatians 1:1-10)
No Other Gospel (1:1-10) Over six years ago we held our first public worship services with a series on Galatians. The context of the letter seemed like an appropriate starting point. Paul was a church planter. After his conversion he set out on three different missionary journeys in which he planted churches in the provinces of Galatia, Asia, Macedonia, and Achaia. After planting these churches Paul wrote letters of encouragement, instruction, and sometimes rebuke. Galatians is probably the first letter…
Paul in Corinth (Acts 18:1-17)
Reasoning and Persuading (1-5) Rejection and Perseverance (6-11) Law and Gospel (12-17)
Good News of Peace (Acts 10:30-43)
We have seen a couple of pivotal moments in Acts. When the Holy Spirit descended upon believers in Acts 2. This moment sparked an evangelistic revival within the life of the early church that allowed it to experience rapid growth. However, as the church increased the persecution it faced also increased. When Saul, the man at the center of the persecution, was converted. Jesus appeared to Saul while he was “still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the…
Evangelizing an Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)
God grows our faith by providing opportunities to witness to others.God guides Philip throughout this passage. The angel tells Philip where to go (v.26). The Spirit prompts Philip to join the Ethiopian (v.29). And, when the mission was fulfilled the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away (v.39). This is not the story of a man searching for God, but of God searching for a man.
The Defense Rests (Acts 7:54-8:1a)
Stephen has been presenting his defense against the accusations of false witnesses that he was speaking “blasphemous words against Moses and God” (6:11) as well as “speaking words against this holy place and the law” (6:13). Read Acts 7:54-8:1a Let’s keep in mind where we are. This community has been increasing daily since Pentecost. The church has experienced rapid growth, but it has not been widespread. The growth has occurred within Jerusalem. As we see from 8:1-4, Stephen’s death serves…
The Defense Presents Acts 7:1-16
God routinely rescues His rebellious people. God Called Abraham (1-8) God Rescued Joseph (9-16)
We Must Obey God Rather Than Men (Acts 5:17-42)
What is the price of their silence? What will it take to put an end to their preaching? What is the price for your silence?