Sermons on Jesus (Page 2)
Superior To Angels
“In Defense of Being Average”, Mark Manson encourages his readers to accept that they won’t be extraordinary at most things they do, if anything. He writes: “There are over 7.2 billion people on this planet, and really only about 1,000 of those have major worldwide influence at any given time. That leaves the other 7,199,999,000 +/- of us to come to terms with the limited scope of our lives and the fact that the vast majority of what we do…
The Atonement and Enthronement Of The Son
In his book, Rejoice and Tremble, Michael Reeves makes the following insightful comment: When people, through misunderstanding, become simply afraid of God, they will never entrust themselves to him but must turn elsewhere for their security. In fact, it is when people have this confused fear of God that they turn to other gods. Michael Reeves, Rejoice and Tremble One of the primary benefits of reading God’s Word and sitting under its preaching is that we might gain a sense of security.…
The Exact Imprint Of His Nature
C.S. Lewis has a famous argument called the Trilemma in Mere Christianity that prepares us for this morning’s sermon. Roman Catholic philosopher, Peter Kreeft, calls Lewis’ Trilemma “the most important argument in Christian apologetics.” US President, Ronald Reagan, used the argument in reply to a Methodist minister who didn’t believe that Jesus was the Son of God (I use the term ‘minister’ loosely). “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m…
Jesus Is Greater Than….Part 2
We’re considering two things: 1. The Author 2. The Audience Why does this matter? They will have a significant impact upon our interpretation (hermeneutics). • Historical-Grammatical: Treats the Bible as God’s Word and understands that it conveys objective truth. Seeks to understand the original intent of the author. • Historical-Critical (Higher Criticism): Treats the Bible like any other text assuming no possibility of miraculous activity. Seeks to understand the author’s intended meaning. • Reader-Response: The Bible conveys subjective truth to…
The Water of Life
One of the greatest sounds a new parent hears is the sound of their baby crying for the first time. That cry lets us know that our child is alive and breathing. It also lets us know that they are uncomfortable. They want to be close to their mother. They are immediately placed upon the mother’s chest and, if possible, they should begin nursing right away. There is another kind of thirst that all humans possess from birth. However, this…
“The Hopes and Fears of All the Years” (Matthew 1:1-17)
The Hopes and Fears of All the Years The Hopes and Fears of All the Years Brad Mills / General Advent: Now But Not Yet / Hope; Fear / Matthew 1:1–17 “Advent: Now But Not Yet” points to the reality that Jesus appeared 2,000 years ago, but he will appear again to usher us into the new heavens and new earth. Just as the OT saints waited for Jesus’ first coming, we anticipate his second coming. Christ’s birth marked…

“Who is Jesus?” (Luke 9:18-20)
Who Is Jesus? Brad Mills / General Luke / Confession / Luke 9:18–20 In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis makes the argument that Jesus could not merely be a “good moral teacher” as many often claim. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be…
“Herod and Jesus” (Luke 9:7-9)
Herod and Jesus (Luke 9:7-9) After sending out the twelve apostles, before recording their return to Jesus, Luke informs us of an important development. God is orchestrating the news about Jesus piquing the interest of the religious leaders and the popularity of his miracles among the people. Those threatened by his popularity will seek to sabotage his ministry, while others are drawn to follow him. The message of the kingdom is driving deeper into the culture so that it might…
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