Sermons on Lukewarm Church
The Church in Laodicea
In Revelation 2:14-22, Jesus writes to the lukewarm church in Laodicea.
Got Milk?
T. David Gordon, under a fatal diagnosis of cancer (25% chance of survival and two months to live), wrote some choice words for preachers in his book, Why Johnny Can’t Preach. Here’s a brief sampling of what I read as an aspiring preacher in seminary… “[T]he entering seminarian today has the faculties of a sixth- to eighth-grader sixty years ago, and the seminary curriculum cannot make this seminarian an adult by the time he graduates.” “What I care about is the average…
“Dear Lukewarm Church” (Revelation 3:14-22)
Dear Lukewarm Church (Rev. 3:14-22) Introduction We have arrived at the final letter to the seven first-century churches located in Asia Minor. Although the situations in each of these churches was in many ways unique to their time and location, the contents of each letter have proved to be relevant to every church in every age. Last week we considered a church that received no condemnation from Christ. This week we consider a church that received no commendation from him.…