Sermons on Prayer
How To Pray To A Covenant Keeping God (Nehemiah 9:22-38)
How to Pray to a Covenant Keeping God (Nehemiah 9:22-38) In his preface to the book Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation, D.A. Carson writes, I doubt if there is any Christian who has not sometimes found it difficult to pray. In itself, this is neither surprising nor depressing: it is not surprising because we are still pilgrims with many lessons to learn; it is not depressing because struggling with such matters is part of the way we learn. What is…
How To Confess Sin To A Faithful God (Nehemiah 9:16-21)
Learning how to confess sin to a faithful God is as easy as following the example we have in Scripture. The human heart is made to reach out beyond itself and so, as G. K. Chesterton is alleged to have said, when people reject God they do not worship nothing, they worship anything. Murray Capill, The Heart Is the Target That is the history of humanity in a nutshell. God made us for worship, and if He is not the…
How To Give Praise To The Lord Your God With Fellow Believers.
The Levites encouraged the Israelites to give praise. Specifically, they said to “stand up and bless the Lord your God from everlasting to everlasting” (Neh 9:5). It was the twenty-fourth day of the seventh month, two days after the Feast of Booths. It was a day with nothing on the calendar. But they gathered, of their own accord, in order to confess “their sins and the iniquities of their fathers” (Neh 9:2). They spent three hours reading from the Law…
How to Pray to God
I simply want to recommend four resources to help you to pray. One is essential, and the other three are very helpful.
1. The Word of God
2. Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney
3. A Way to Pray by Matthew Henry, O. Palmer Robertson
4. Echo Prayer App
“The Lord’s Prayer” (Luke 11:1-4)
The Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:1-4) Read Luke 11:1-4 Why don’t we pray more? Why are prayer meetings so poorly attended, not only here but at most churches? It does not seem to be due to a lack of information. Many who are very comfortable reading and applying Scripture are still terrified to pray out loud. There is an unnecessary intimidation involved. Part of what I am hoping to do by slowing down in our series in Luke is to help…

“What Is Prayer?” (Various Scriptures)
What is prayer? WLC 178 Answer: Prayer is an offering up of our desires unto God1, in the name of Christ2, by the help of his Spirit3; with confession of our sins4, and thankful acknowledgment of his mercies5.
To Him Belong Glory (1 Peter 4:7-11)
Introduction This is the final section of the body of the letter (2:11-4:11). This section forms an inclusio with 2:11-12. The resurrection (3:21) has brought into being the final stage of Redemptive History. The end is just as near today. We remain in that same stage which culminates in a future judgment (vv.5-6). Continue to live with eternity in view. Read 1 Peter 4:7-11 Peter is preparing his readers for trial (4:12), not suggesting their escape from it. What makes…
The Birth of a Redeemer (Ruth 4:13-22)
Introduction Ruth concludes with genealogy. Obed > King David. Bethlehem, House of Bread > Bread of Life, Jesus. Primary focus = Naomi. Death and emptiness > Life and fullness. Read Ruth 4:13-22 Why does history drag out so long? Why doesn’t Jesus return right now? Why does everyone wait? Old Testament saints waited for Messiah. Every redeemer potentially the one. None fit. Then Christ came, in infant form. He accomplished reconciliation, yet still awaiting consummation. We wait for his return. What…
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