Sermons on Sovereign

Love That Will Not Let Go (Ruth 1:7-22)
Introduction We are continuing a look at this opening chapter and its theme of death and emptiness in Naomi’s life. Last week we saw that her family’s move to Moab left her without her two sons and her husband (5). But God has brought and end to the famine (6). Read Ruth 1:7-22 When we suffer and go through seasons of difficult circumstances, we often run. We attempt to flee our problems, and sometimes that includes fleeing the Church. We run from the one thing that…
Persecution Fuels Mission (Acts 8:1-8)
In Acts 1:1, Luke reminded us that he shared “what Jesus began to do and teach” in his first account. He doesn’t give a new purpose in Acts. In his gospel, he explained his purpose, “It seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught” (vv.3-4). Luke has recorded all of this so that…
God Is Sovereign (Genesis 25:19-34)
Crisis is inevitable and conflict is unavoidable, but we trust in a God who is sovereign over both! First, we will see that God Is Sovereign Over Crisis (19-26). Second, we’ll see that God Is Sovereign Over Conflict (27-34).