Sermons from June 2015
Witnesses of Christ’s Ascension (Acts 1:6-11)
Christ’s commission and ascension is a call to look beyond ourselves to take up a mission that is much greater than the immediate concerns of our community.
The Promise of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:1-5)
The mission of God begins with the command to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit. What Jesus has done & taught in the past & how he will in the Future.
Introduction to Acts (Chronological)
In sum, a sermon on the overview of Acts, has one application: Go and advance the gospel.
Introduction to Acts (part 1)
Acts teaches us that church growth is the result of faithful preaching. 1) Understanding the Gospel. 2) Preaching the Gospel. 3) Responding to the Gospel.

God Meant It For Good (Genesis 50)
The giving and receiving of forgiveness requires inward humility, upward faith, and outward compassion.

Fruitfulness & Faithfulness (Genesis 49:19-33)
How to be fruitful & faithful in a corrupt world. The Context of Fruitfulness (19–26). The Context of Worldliness (27). The Context of Faithfulness (28–33).