Sermons from October 2019
“Counterfeit Worship” (Revelation 13:1-10)
Counterfeit Worship (Rev. 13:1-10) Many people search for a church to attend without ever asking the most important questions. They look for entertainment, a cool atmosphere, or even nice people. But the fundamental factor that should be considered is whether or not the worship is biblical. That question doesn’t only apply to the preaching, but to every element of a worship service. Worship should be guided and supported by Scripture from beginning to end. You might be unfamiliar with certain…
“The Perseverance of the Saints” (Revelation 12:13-17)
The Perseverance of the Saints (Rev. 12:13-17) God created everything and gave man dominion over it, but also the responsibility to “work and keep” the garden. When Adam neglected to guard the garden, the serpent deceived Eve tempting her to eat the forbidden fruit. Then she gave some to Adam. Prior to the fall, “the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed” (Gen. 2:25). After eating the fruit, “they knew that they were naked” (Gen. 3:7).…
“The Absence of Accusation” (Revelation 12:7-12)
The Absence of Accusation (Rev. 12:7-12) The presence of shame, in its many forms, goes well beyond the scope of a challenging emotional struggle. In his book, The Soul of Shame, Dr. Curt Thompson writes, “This phenomenon is the primary tool that evil leverages, out of which emerges everything that we would call sin.” Thompson argues that shame is at the root of all other negative emotions and it eventually effects the way we think and behave. For instance, our…
“The Backstory of History” (Revelation 12:1-6)
The Backstory of History (Rev. 12:1-6) Is it too soon to wish you a “Merry Christmas”? This passage makes for the perfect Christmas text. But before we get to it, let’s review. With the blast of the seventh trumpet the wrath of God fell upon unbelievers and the saints were gathered. We came to the end of the third cycle in Revelation. The letters to the seven churches was followed by the breaking of the seven seals, which was followed…