Sermon Archive (Page 25)

“A Lament for Babylon” (Revelation 18)

A Lament for Babylon A Lament for Babylon Brad Mills / General Revelation / Judgment; Idolatry; Harlot / Revelation 18:1–24   Babylon and the beast represent the assault of Satan upon the Church through the seduction of our lustful desires and indulgence of our misplaced fears. Those threats are not finally removed until they are destroyed by Christ at his Second Coming. That can only be seen from a heavenly vantage point. The believer is filled with hope recognizing that…

“The Harlot and the Beast” (Revelation 17)

The Harlot and the Beast The Harlot and the Beast Brad Mills / General Revelation   The best classic novels represent excellent writing and story telling, but those with the greatest impact typically illustrate some moral purpose. One of my favorite novels portraying the devastating consequences of immorality is Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. The story follows the lives of two main characters. Anna, a disenchanted housewife, has an extra-marital affair with another member of the upper-class. Konstantin Levin, a down-to-earth…

“The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath” (Revelation 16)

The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath Brad Mills / General Revelation / Wrath of God / Revelation 16:1–11   Although judgment is a dirty word in our culture, it is biblical. The holiness of God demands his wrath. Liberal pastors minimize God’s wrath in order to be accepted by the culture. But this comes at a great cost to the truth and sufficiency of Scripture. Arguing against this tendency, Richard Niebuhr described the liberal…

“The Sea of Glass” (Revelation 15)

The Sea of Glass The Sea of Glass Brad Mills / General Revelation / Heaven; Worship; Wrath of God / Revelation 15:1–8   Let me begin by reminding you of some of the fundamental principles we have been following in order to better comprehend this challenging book. Given the nature of the apocalyptic genre, our default hermeneutic (how we interpret any given passage) should be to expect symbolism and metaphor. We see it throughout the book. That doesn’t make the…

“Absorbed in God’s Word” (Psalm 119:9-16)

Absorbed in God’s Word Absorbed in God’s Word Brad Mills / General Bible; Meditate; Purity / Psalm 119:9–16   One of my traditions has been to use the last Sunday of the year to prepare us for the new year. We have considered several psalms which help us to look back with gratitude. But I want to return to Psalm 119 and spend time picking up at vv.9-16. This is the quintessential chapter on God’s word. Almost every verse refers…

“Far As the Curse Is Found” (Matthew 2:13-23)

Far As the Curse Is Found Far As the Curse Is Found Brad Mills / General Advent: Now But Not Yet / Matthew 2:13–23   We opened this Advent series by looking at a passage that is rarely preached (Mt 1:1-17). Now we are closing the series with a passage that is rarely preached (Mt 2:13-23). Many come to church expecting a sermon specifically about the birth of Jesus on the Sunday before Christmas. But I have tried to show…

“Come, Adore on Bended Knee” (Matthew 2:1-12)

Come, Adore on Bended Knee Come, Adore on Bended Knee Brad Mills / General Advent: Now But Not Yet / Matthew 2:1–12   I have a friend who doesn’t celebrate Christmas or Easter or any other Christian holiday because their origins are tied to pagan holidays. Maybe you know people like that. They begin with a well-intentioned desire to remain faithful to the truth. Once they discover the link between Christmas and the Roman festival of Saturnalia, they decide that…

“Offspring of the Virgin’s Womb” (Matthew 1:18-25)

Offspring of the Virgin’s Womb Offspring of the Virgin’s Womb Brad Mills / General Advent: Now But Not Yet / Hope; Fear / Matthew 1:18–25   Last week we emphasized the humanity of Jesus. Matthew began with a genealogy that confirms Jesus’ royal heritage. Although Jesus was born into the line of King David, his immediate parents were actually poor and insignificant. Jesus had a true humanity. And yet, the genealogy was unique in how it explained his relationship to…

“The Hopes and Fears of All the Years” (Matthew 1:1-17)

The Hopes and Fears of All the Years The Hopes and Fears of All the Years Brad Mills / General Advent: Now But Not Yet / Hope; Fear / Matthew 1:1–17   “Advent: Now But Not Yet” points to the reality that Jesus appeared 2,000 years ago, but he will appear again to usher us into the new heavens and new earth. Just as the OT saints waited for Jesus’ first coming, we anticipate his second coming. Christ’s birth marked…

“The Grapes of Wrath” (Revelation 14:12-20)

The Grapes of Wrath (Rev. 14:12-20) In his novel The Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck brilliantly portrayed the consequences of the suffering people endured during the Dust Bowl migration. Their suffering was building in them a fury of wrath that would eventually explode. Essentially, he was suggesting that anger and hatred are the natural byproduct of oppressive experiences. He certainly has a point. However, one thing is clear, he was not using the metaphor in the same way that Scripture used…