Sermon Archive (Page 43)

Vanity of Vanities (Ecclesiastes 12:8-14)

Introduction We have spent the past six months looking at a book that contains many things that are difficult to understand. It’s a book you should continue to read and meditate upon. It’s truths are appropriate for all ages, but especially postmodern Westerners. 12:8 summarizes the Preacher’s thoughts. If Ecclesiastes ended at 12:8, our interpretation would have been different. Read Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 Ryken If there is no God, then there is no Judge. If there is no Judge, then there…

The Temptation of Jesus (Luke 4:1-13)

e filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine. Introduction Jesus has been empowered by the Holy Spirit for the ministry he is about to begin. The baptism was followed by a genealogy that concludes significantly (3:38). He wasn’t an alien (part God, part man). His temptation confirms his humanity. Great Privilege > Great Trial. Read Luke 4:1-13 Docestism = Jesus merely seemed human. If Jesus was going to suffer and obey in our place, his temptation…

A Word to the Young (Ecclesiastes 11:7 – 12:8)

Introduction As the Preacher draws towards his closing, he turns his attention to his young listeners. Maybe much of what he has said has gone over their heads or was difficult for them to see its application. But, he wants to ensure they hear him at this point. Children, do I have your attention? Read Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8 Here’s another call to enjoy life, but it’s couched in the reality of aging and death. How do we deal with growing old?…

The Genealogy of Jesus Christ (Luke 3:23-38)

Introduction Luke slowly, but steadily building toward the ministry of Jesus. His desire to provide an orderly account has led him to emphasize the empowering of the Holy Spirit at the start of his ministry. Now Luke wants to ensure his readers realize the origin and purpose of his ministry. Read Luke 3:23-38 The age of 30 is significant: It is when priests were allowed to work in the tabernacle (Num. 4:3, 47). Joseph became second in Egypt (Gen. 41:46).…

Calculated Risk (Ecclesiastes 11:1-6)

Introduction The Preacher continues his study of wisdom, specifically economic wisdom, which will be followed by another commendation of joy next week. Read Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 In the past 20 years we’ve witnessed to of the biggest financial disasters in our nation’s history. We saw the dotcom crash of 2000 and the housing market collapse of 2008. In both cases, the market was saturated with inflated prices creating a bubble of instability. If we were anything like the generation that survived…

Chosen to Serve (Acts 6:1-7)

Introduction The church rapidly grew from a group of 120 (1:15) > 10,000+ within Jerusalem. Before it spread beyond (8:1), leadership and structure were established. Read Acts 6:1-7 The growth of the church is a good thing, but it brings new challenges. Prior to this passage, the church had withstood persecution and moral corruption. Now, we see how they fight the threat of division. The selection of these seven men will prove to be instrumental in the spread of the…

Wisdom is Better (Ecclesiastes 9:13 – 10:20)

Introduction What’s the point of living? The Preacher has been breaking down the most common cultural strongholds: the pursuit of a comprehensive knowledge, the indulgence of worldly pleasures, and a general sense of self-sufficiency. In the Preacher’s study of wisdom he has come to the consistent conclusion that life is filled with frustration. It would be easy to see him as a hopeless fatalist, but he has challenged us to enjoy life despite the existence of injustice and unpredictability. Read…

The Baptism of Jesus (Luke 3:21-22)

The baptism of Jesus raises several questions such as: Why was Jesus baptized? Why does Jesus pray? What were the roles of the Spirit and Father? This is an excellent passage for teaching the doctrine of the Trinity since all three persons participated in the Son’s baptism. That fact that Jesus began his public ministry with his baptism also highlights the importance of this event. The Trinitarian work of redemption provides believers with their only comfort in life and death.…

Enjoy Life! (Ecclesiastes 9:1-12)

Introduction The Preacher has been looking at wisdom and cycling back around to the same conclusions, namely that we aren’t capable of grasping the knowledge we seek. His final three chapters are mostly positive, but we have another chapter that is mostlyfrustration. Read Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 Considering all the injustice and frustrations of life, is it even worth living? He’s done this before. In fact, this is the 6x the Preacher has called his readers to enjoy life. Why say it…

The Preaching of John the Baptist – Pt. 2 (Luke 3:15-20)

Introduction The Spirit-filled preaching of Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Catherwood The one thing he prayed for, the one thing he relied on, the one thing he waited for and the one thing above all else beyond most other preachers of his generation which thousands felt under his preaching was the unction, or anointing, of the Holy Spirit. That would’ve been the testimony of many who heard John’s preaching. Read Luke 3:15-20 What kind of preacher was John? Greatest prophet > Example for…