Sola Gratia
In Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus tells a parable of a vineyard owner and day laborers which serves to pit our sense of fairness against grace.
Easter’s Footrace
In John 20:1-9, we see Simon Peter and John race to the tomb upon hearing Mary’s news that Jesus’ body is missing. As we have come to expect, the disciples fail to understand what has happened… until the lights turn on for John, and he begins to grasp the truth in faith, without seeing the risen Lord.
The Meaning of Palm Sunday
In John 12:12-19, we see the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As we draw out the meaning of this event, it is clear that the people in the crowd misunderstood Jesus’ mission and purpose in coming to Jerusalem publicly,
Jesus and Nicodemus
In John 3:1-15, we meet Nicodemus: a Pharisee who stands out from his peers in that he seems to be genuinely seeking answers and not looking to entrap Jesus, and yet fails to understand because he has not yet been born again.
The Parable of the Sower
In Luke 8:4-15, we read the parable of the Sower and the four types of soil which cause us to reflect on our own hearts and repent on the things that keep us from being fruitful.
Last Will & Testament
In the opening lines of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, we read the words of a man who knows he is about to die for his faith, commending his protege to continue the work in the face of opposition.
Thyatira: The Tolerant Church
In Revelation 2, we read the letter from Jesus to the church in Thyatira, where it was difficult to make a living without belonging to a guild, and guild membership was intimately related to the worship of the patron god of the guild. This put many Christians in an awkward position, and some compromised.
Pergamum: The Church in the Shadow of Satan’s Throne
In Revelation 2:12-17, we read the letter sent to the church at Pergamum, where Satan’s throne is and where Satan dwells. We share much with the context of the church in Pergamum, and the words to them are equally relevant to us today.
Run With Holiness
In Hebrews 12:12-17, the author admonishes his readers to live holy lives and calls out a number of specific sins to be watchful for in the church.
Living Under a Yoke
In 1 Timothy 6:1-2, Paul addresses the relationship of Christian employees to their employers.