Got Milk?
T. David Gordon, under a fatal diagnosis of cancer (25% chance of survival and two months to live), wrote some choice words for preachers in his book, Why Johnny Can’t Preach. Here’s a brief sampling of what I read as an aspiring preacher in seminary… “[T]he entering seminarian today has the faculties of a sixth- to eighth-grader sixty years ago, and the seminary curriculum cannot make this seminarian an adult by the time he graduates.” “What I care about is the average…
The Sanctity Of Human Life
More than 60M abortions since 1973. That is equivalent to the populations of California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and Nevada combined! Imagine every human being in those states disappearing. That is roughly 19% of the population of the United States today. I don’t typically preach topical sermons, but today is the 50th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and the first year since the Supreme Court of the United States overturned it. It seemed like an appropriate year to join with many churches around…
The Book That Reads Us
Cornell University social psychologist David Dunning, studied the tendency for people to overestimate themselves. He found that those who were the least competent performers have the most inflated view of themselves. The study also revealed that their over-inflation wasn’t due to arrogance, but ignorance. Obviously, this can be true for Christians as well. We routinely flatter ourselves with false assessments of our own competence. We aren’t even aware of our pride, because we think we’re simply being honest. Jeremiah 17:9 ESV…
Striving For Rest
What are you hoping to change in 2023? Do you ever wish you could enjoy more rest (physically, psychologically, and spiritually)? “Rest” occurs 12x Hebrews 3:11-4:11. Primary application. Goal = why it’s important and how you might find it. Jesus > Everything • 1-2 Angels (Jesus speaks a better word, 1:1-2, 2:1-3) <<< Pay much closer attention! • 3-4 Moses (Jesus is worthy of more honor, 3:3) <<< Do not harden your hearts! We are too easily distracted by what is worldly and…
Out Of Egypt I Called My Son
Last week we considered the birth of Christ from the rare perspective of Joseph (Mt 1:18-23). This morning we are looking at another passage that is rarely preached during Advent (Mt 2:13-23). The story of Christmas contains varied emotions. Each character experienced significant fears even though there is also a great deal of hope. We miss what God wants us to understand when we avoid the hardship and only reflect on the joy. Do you allow room for lament in your celebration of Christmas?…
The Virgin Shall Conceive
Matthew begins his gospel with a genealogy that confirms Jesus’ humanity as well as his royal heritage. Although Jesus was born into the line of King David, his immediate parents were actually poor and insignificant. Jesus had a true humanity. And yet, the genealogy was unique in how it explained his relationship to his parents. Instead of following the pattern of naming the father, Matthew carefully states that Joseph is not the physical father (Matt 1:16). More explanation is provided in our…
Exhort One Another Every Day
A new study from Pew Research Center concluded, “If recent trends in switching [changing one’s religious affiliation] hold, we projected that Christians could make up between 35% and 46% of the U.S. population in 2070.” Had Egypt conducted a survey of the trend of Israel’s growth while in slavery, they would have seen their own population eclipsed in fairly short order. Who could have predicted that almost the entire generation would die in the wilderness within forty years? Even though…
Do Not Harden Your Hearts
The bulk of our passage this morning is a direct quote from Psalm 95. That psalm opens with a familiar call to worship. We’ve used it several times to open our own worship service. Psalm 95:1 ESV Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Some bible scholars suggest that this psalm was liturgical and frequently used during the preamble of the service. So, as the author begins to quote a…