The Plumb Line (Amos 7:7-9)
Introduction Amos has warned the nation of Israel about their moral and religious hypocrisy. He has called upon them to repent, but they have not heard. At chapter 7 we saw a transition from words the Lord had spoken to Amos to visions the Lord showed Amos. Last week, we considered the first two visions which dealt with the fact of judgment, of which the Lord would relent. This afternoon we will see the third of Amos’s five visions, which…
Arm Yourselves (1 Peter 4:1-6)
Introduction Now, I’ll admit I’m a fan of the 2nd Amendment, but this sermon is not about that. Peter has put forward Christ as an example of suffering for doing good. The suffering of Christ brings us to God and the victory of Christ secures us in God. The victory of Christ provides assurance, but it has further implications for how we live now. Read 1 Peter 4:1-6 How do we prepare to suffer? Peter is contrasting the temptation for…
The Lord Relented (Amos 7:1-6)
Amos has sought to bring the nation of Israel to repentance through several warnings. His message has come to a people hardened in their sin, unwilling to acknowledge their moral corruption and religious hypocrisy. At chapter 7 we see a transition from words the Lord had spoken to Amos to visions the Lord showed Amos. This afternoon we will see two of the five vision Amos received. Read Amos 7:1-6 The Purpose of Devastation The Power of Intercession The Pleasure…
Christ Also Suffered (1 Peter 3:18-22)
Introduction Luther A wonderful text is this, and a more obscure passage perhaps than any other in the New Testament, so that I do not know for a certainty just what Peter means. Audience: Jewish Christians exiled to Asia Minor. Peter has focused upon building fellowship within the covenant community (inward) as well as providing a witness to those outside the covenant community (outward). v.15 summarizes well. We’re prepared to make a defense when Christ is set above everyone and…
Divine Judgment (Amos 6:8-14)
Introduction Amos’ judgment > lament > woe. Moral Reformation > Religious Reformation. Amos has been addressing a self-righteous people who are not hostile to the Word of God, but indifferent about its impact upon their morality. They have become unthinking in their worship and indifferent in their morality. Read Amos 6:8-14 Common theme: reversal of expectations (1:2; 2:9; 3:2; 3:12; 4:1-3; 5:3; 5:13; 5:18-23). The people are still not responding! God has, in no uncertain terms, made his condemnation of…
Prepared to Make a Defense (1 Peter 3:13-17)
Introduction Peter is concluding his application of the principle that Christians are called to live different, yet exemplary lives. Their goal is to live at peace with everyone. Last week, we considered characteristics and conduct that build fellowship within the covenant community (inward). This week shifts to an outward focus. Read 1 Peter 3:13-17 We will be prepared to make a defense and maintain a good conscience when Christ is set above everyone and everything else. When Christ is preeminent…
Called to Be a Blessing (1 Peter 3:8-12)
Introduction Peter has been addressing those in submission to authority. Christian Relationships: Citizen/Civil Authorities Servant/Master Wives/Husbands The blessings a Christian receives, through union with Christ and other believers, impacts us at every level. Peter is still applying the principle of living differently, yet exemplary lives before a watching world (2:11-12). Read 1 Peter 3:8-12 Peter begins to summarize the section that began at 2:11. He leaves the specific roles of husbands and wives to address all Christians living in exile.…