Sermons on 1 Peter (Page 2)
Called to Be a Blessing (1 Peter 3:8-12)
Introduction Peter has been addressing those in submission to authority. Christian Relationships: Citizen/Civil Authorities Servant/Master Wives/Husbands The blessings a Christian receives, through union with Christ and other believers, impacts us at every level. Peter is still applying the principle of living differently, yet exemplary lives before a watching world (2:11-12). Read 1 Peter 3:8-12 Peter begins to summarize the section that began at 2:11. He leaves the specific roles of husbands and wives to address all Christians living in exile.…
The Consideration of an Exemplary Husband (1 Peter 3:7)
Introduction Peter has been addressing those in submission to authority. Until now, he hasn’t addressed those in authority. Maybe he sees the additional attention this relationship needs. If marriages suffer, because of Christianity, their witness will suffer more than with any other relationship. Now, finally…we get to address the husbands! Read 1 Peter 3:1-7 “Happy wife, happy life”? Peter/Holy Spirit, exhorts the Christian husband to have an exemplary marriage. Main idea in 1-6: How a wife relates to her husband…
The Courage of an Exemplary Wife (1 Peter 3:5-6)
Introduction Peter’s instruction to wives and husbands falls within a section (2:11-3:16) of exhortation to live lives that compliments Christianity in a pagan culture. Christian citizens and servants were to respect authorities (2:14-20). Likewise, wives are to respect their husbands (3:1-6). Read 1 Peter 3:1-7 The pattern of Peter’s exhortation: Reverence For God > Submission to Husband (1-2). Beauty Before God (Affirmation) > Adorning with a gentle and quiet spirit (3-4). Hope In God > Obedience, respect, doing good, and…
The Character of an Exemplary Wife (1 Peter 3:3-4)
Introduction Entire section (2:11-3:16) about living a life that compliments Christianity in a pagan culture. Civil authorities (2:14-17) and servants (2:18-20). Christ’s suffering (2:21-25) serves as the foundation for all of this exhortation. Read 1 Peter 3:1-7 Mother’s Day. What do we cherish most about our mothers? Isn’t it the way they have devote their lives to loving us? We treasure not their looks, but their character! Peter exhorts women to focus on their internal character rather than what the…
The Conduct of an Exemplary Wife (1 Peter 3:1-2)
Introduction Entire section (2:11-3:16) about living a life that compliments Christianity in a pagan culture. Civil authorities were assumed to be just (2:14). Servants were those specifically serving under unjust masters (2:18). While the example of Christ’s suffering (2:21-25) serves as the foundation for all of this exhortation, nothing suggests Peter is equating all civil authorities, masters, and unbelieving husbands with those who crucified Jesus. Read 1 Peter 3:1-7 “Likewise” > 2:18 re: servants. Same instruction to “be subject”. Ultimately…
Suffering With Christ (1 Peter 2:21-25)
Introduction Last week, Ray did an excellent job reviewing this section (2:13-3:7). The blessings we receive, through union with Christ and other believers, impact us at the most basic levels. However, pagan household codes did not provide instructions regarding suffering. Read 1 Peter 2:21-25 The Holy Spirit, speaking through Peter, had something important to communicate to the Church Universal. This passage answers the question: How did Christ suffer? And to what end did he suffer? The way we suffer as…
Prepare to Meet Your God (Amos 4:6-13)
Are you prepared to meet your God? You will stand before the Judge of all mankind one day. Are you ready?
A Gracious Thing (1 Peter 2:18-20)
You cannot endure suffering unjustly until you have entrusted yourself to the One who judges justly
Church and State (1 Peter 2:13-17)
Introduction This is an important message when many are mocking, delegitimizing, and sabotaging the president. We need to consider what the bible says about civil authorities. However, would you receive this message with the same enthusiasm were it preached last year? Peter is addressing all levels of civil authorities. Live differently, yet exemplary lives by abstaining from lustful passions and maintaining honorable conduct. Keep in mind the theme from v.3, Christians are to crave/“long for pure spiritual milk.” As you…