Sermons on Genesis
True Repentance, Genuine Reconciliation
In Genesis 44, we see a story of true repentance in the life of Judah. Outline:
The Creation of Marriage
Continuing from last week, in Matthew 19:5-6 Jesus corrects the pharisees’ understanding of marriage by going back to its creation in Genesis 2.
The Creation of Male and Female
In Matthew 19:3-4, Jesus corrects the pharisees in their understanding of marriage by going back to creation. So also in this modern era must we correct our own and our culture’s misunderstandings about the sexuality and gender by returning to scripture.
A Story of God’s Sovereignty and Providence
The story of Joseph shows us God’s hand in the events of history as he works out his plan of redemption.

God Meant It For Good (Genesis 50)
The giving and receiving of forgiveness requires inward humility, upward faith, and outward compassion.

Fruitfulness & Faithfulness (Genesis 49:19-33)
How to be fruitful & faithful in a corrupt world. The Context of Fruitfulness (19–26). The Context of Worldliness (27). The Context of Faithfulness (28–33).
Destined to Make History (Genesis 49:1-18)
In this passage we see that there are consequences for sin, but God can turn them into blessings.
No simplified division. Sovereign, Savior, Supplier.
Passing On Our Faith (Genesis 48)
Are you passing your confession of faith on or is your confession of faith passing away with you? First, we will look at Past Supplication (1-12). Second, we’ll see Present Invocation (13-20). And third, we will note Future Benediction (21-22).