Sermons on Genesis (Page 2)
Gratitude (Genesis 46:31-47:31)
Gratitude is the expression of a dependent person who has received what he cannot earn. 1. Three Significant Requests. 2. Three Gracious Approvals. 3. Three Grateful Responses.
Prone to Wander (Genesis 45:16-46:31)
We are prone to wander, but God is faithful to guide us back to Himself. First, we will look at The Preparation for Jacob (45:16-28). Second, we’ll see The Migration of Jacob (46:1-27). And third, we will note The Reconciliation to Jacob (46:28-30).
True Revelation (Genesis 45:1-15)
True revelation convicts, comforts, and calls every true believer. First, we will look at Revelation That Convicts (1-3). Second, we’ll see Revelation That Comforts (4-8). And third, we will note Revelation That Calls (9-15).
The Kindness of God (Genesis 43)
“The kindness of God is meant to lead you to repentance” (Rom. 2:4). First, we will see a picture of Surrendering to God (1-14). Second, we’ll see the importance of possessing the Peace and Mercy of God (15-34).
The Burden of Guilt (Genesis 42)
The suppression of a guilty conscience leads to condemnation, but those who truly repent find restoration.
First, we will look at The Reminder of Guilt (1-5). Second, we’ll see The Distress of Guilt (6-26). And third, we will note The Assumption of Guilt (27-38).
Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams (Genesis 41)
Our spiritual famine can only be satisfied when we feast upon Christ by faith. First, we will see that Joseph Is Remembered (1-13). Second, we’ll see that Joseph Is Released (14-36). And third, we will note how Joseph Is Exalted (37-57).
Joseph in Prison (Genesis 39:21-40:23)
God’s provision enables our perseverance. 1. God Provides Favor (39:21-23). 2. God Provides Wisdom (40:1-15). 3. God Provides Integrity (40:16-23).
Joseph’s Temptation (Genesis 39)
“Never, until sin is seen and sorrowed for as the greatest evil, will Christ be seen and rejoiced in as the greatest Good.” ~ John Yates
Dreaming and Scheming (Genesis 37)
God values developing spiritual maturity in his children over providing physical security for his children.
Mercy That Is Deeper Than Misery (Genesis 30-35)
How come the people who have been the recipients of so much mercy continue to suffer so much misery? First, we will look at The Mercy of God. Second, we’ll see The Misery of Jacob. And third, we will note The Mind of Faith.