Sermons on Luke (Page 4)

“Who Is the Greatest?” (Luke 9:46-48)

Who Is the Greatest? (Luke 9:46-48) We have come to the final accounts of Jesus’s Galilean ministry. Chapter nine has focused on the question: Who is Jesus? The answer is that “He’s the glorious and majestic Messiah.” Peter could say this, but then prove his ignorance about what this actually meant with regard to Christ’s ministry. The irony of this passage is that it follows after the display of the majesty of Christ in his authority (casting out a demon)…

“The Majesty of God” (Luke 9:37-45)

The Majesty of God The Majesty of God Brad Mills / General Luke / Healing; Demon Possession / Luke 9:37–45   Most of us instinctively think humility is a sign of weakness. There is an assumption among leaders that they need to avoid showing any gaps in their armor. They have to be guarded at all times. To show any vulnerability is to throw in the white towel. But, in reality, there is a direct connection between our willingness to…

“The Transfiguration of Jesus” (Luke 9:28-36)

The Transfiguration of Jesus The Transfiguration of Jesus Brad Mills / General Transfiguration / Luke 9:28–36   Herod was confused by Jesus, intrigued by his popularity and yet, only interested in learning more about Christ to ensure his own position and authority were not being threatened. The feeding of the 5,000 puts the question of Jesus’s identity before the crowd. In Caesarea Philippi Jesus asked his disciples who the crowds thought he was. They were perpetuating various theories—which Herod had…

“Take Up Your Cross” (Luke 9:21-27)

Take Up Your Cross Brad Mills / General Luke / Crucifixion; Discipleship / Luke 9:21–27   Luke continues his orderly account of the ministry of Jesus providing his readers with a certainty about the truth of the apostles’ teaching. This purpose heightens the need to be clear and honest about the challenges they would face living in a culture that was oftentimes hostile towards Christianity. Jesus never minimized the cost of discipleship in order to win more followers. He was…

“Who is Jesus?” (Luke 9:18-20)

Who Is Jesus? Brad Mills / General Luke / Confession / Luke 9:18–20   In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis makes the argument that Jesus could not merely be a “good moral teacher” as many often claim. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be…

“Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand” (Luke 9:10-17)

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (Luke 9:10-17) In chapter eight, Jesus told several parables about the kingdom of God. Since then he has gone on to do many miracles which reveal the presence of that kingdom. In our passage this afternoon, Jesus is further revealing aspects of the kingdom that have come through his ministry. Luke places this pericope on its own, but it falls in between two episodes of significant people reacting to Jesus’s identity. It follows Herod’s superficial…

“Herod and Jesus” (Luke 9:7-9)

Herod and Jesus (Luke 9:7-9) After sending out the twelve apostles, before recording their return to Jesus, Luke informs us of an important development. God is orchestrating the news about Jesus piquing the interest of the religious leaders and the popularity of his miracles among the people. Those threatened by his popularity will seek to sabotage his ministry, while others are drawn to follow him. The message of the kingdom is driving deeper into the culture so that it might…

“Jesus Sends Out the Twelve” (Luke 9:1-6)

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve (Luke 9:1-6) The call to evangelize is difficult in our antagonistic culture. We fear being mocked. Or maybe we think it’s ineffective. Many assume it’s someone else’s responsibility. All of these arguments applied to Jesus’s twelve apostles to a much greater degree. The one who sends us out ensures the effectiveness of our message. The results will be hardened and softened hearts. Some will welcome us and others will reject us (2 Cor. 2:15-16). The…

“A Tale of Two Daughters” (Luke 8:40-56)

A Tale of Two Daughters (Luke 8:40-56) Luke refers to women more than any other gospel (7:36-8:3) > Parables regarding responding to God’s Word (8:4-18) > Responding to miracles (8:19-39). Notice the contrast between 8:39 and 8:56. Read Luke 8:40-56. Two Tales of Desperation (40-43) Jairus would’ve arranged the service and chosen who participated in the Scripture readings and prayer. Seeing this man of high repute bowing before Jesus would have been significant. It’s even more remarkable if he was…