Revelation (Page 4)
“The Sound of Silence” (Revelation 8:1-5)
The Sound of Silence (Rev. 8:1-5) I have loved Simon & Garfunkel ever since my mom chose “Bridge Over Troubled Water” for her brother’s funeral back in 1990. Since then, they have been one of my favorite musical artists. Hands down, their best song is “The Sound of Silence”. Paul Simon wrote the song at the age of 21 in 1963. It was recorded in March 1964 and included on their debut album. The song was a flop until a…
“The Church Triumphant – Part 2” (Revelation 7:9-17)
The Church Triumphant – Part 2 (Rev. 7:9-17) How does the Church Militant become the Church Triumphant? How does our experience on earth, translate to our experience in heaven? Last week we looked at the first two points in your outline. 1. The Salvation of the Church Triumphant (9-10). 2. The God of the Church Triumphant (11-12) . We noted the several allusions to the Exodus out of Egypt and their preservation and suffering in the wilderness. In heaven, everything…
“The Church Triumphant” (Revelation 7:9-17)
The Church Triumphant – Part 1 (Rev. 7:9-17) I spend time each week wrestling over the purpose of the passage I’m going to preach because I want to be faithful to present that purpose to you in a way that you can understand and apply immediately. I want to do justice to the author’s intent, both the human author and especially the divine Author of Scripture. As I began thinking about how to do that for this passage, I was…
“The 144,000 Sealed” (Revelation 7:1-8)
The 144,000 Sealed (Rev. 7:1-8) Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that prior to 1935 144,000 people were anointed to enter heaven. Latter Day Saints believe there are 144,000 high priests who have been ordained according to the holy order of God. Christians have their own confusion about this number. With so many confusing interpretations, we must remember the context of the original audience. Late in the first century John received a revelation from God of which he was to make a written…
“The Great Day of Wrath” (Revelation 6:9-17)
The Great Day of Wrath (Rev. 6:9-17) We must not lose sight of the big picture as we make our way through Revelation. John is describing what he saw. Revelation paints vivid pictures for us, but not precise photographs or videos of reality. Revelation is about the victory of the Lamb. As we consider the breaking of these seals keep in mind chapters four and five, namely, that God is on his throne and that Christ is worthy to execute…
“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” (Revelation 6:1-8)
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Rev. 6:1-8) In his book, The Great Awakening, Joseph Tracy highlights the context of New England in early eighteenth century. Unbelievers were allowed to participate in the Lord’s Supper as long as they had been baptized. There was little to no regard for theological and moral examination. Eventually, even the pulpits were filled with unconverted men. When Jonathan Edwards began preaching a series on “Justification By Faith,” he attacked the notion that any could…

“Worthy Is the Lamb” (Revelation 5:8-14)
Worthy Is the Lamb (Rev. 5:8-14) We talk about coming before God in worship with reverence and awe. He is holy, majestic, and worthy to receive our praise. But, we are sinful, defiled, and unworthy in and of ourselves. The first thing we need is the cleansing blood of Christ to make us worthy. Then we need the enabling work of the Spirit to empower our worship. And when you have both, you will engage in worship with your whole…
“The Lamb Is Worthy” (Revelation 5:1-7)
The Lamb Is Worthy (Rev. 5:1-7) John’s vision in chapters one through three begins with the son of man in the midst of the lampstands. He shepherds his flock by sending letters to the seven churches, which includes both promised blessings as well as warnings to repent of a growing indifference and wickedness that threatens to destroy the church from within. If their rebellion persists, Christ will remove the lampstand of their church. In chapter four, John is brought up…
“Holy, Holy, Holy” (Revelation 4:6b-11)
Holy, Holy, Holy (Rev. 4:6b-11) We have transitioned from the first section which included letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor (1:1-3:22), to the second section which includes the opening of seven seals (4:1-8:1). Upon ascending into heaven in his vision, John sees the throne of God—a throne of glory, grace, and judgment. The principle is that our worship must be God-centered. In the rest of chapter four John continues his description of what he sees, including the worship…
“Behold Our God” (Revelation 4:1-6a)
Behold Our God (Rev. 4:1-6a) Apocalyptic literature is oftentimes used like a kind of treasure map. If we can unlock the mysterious riddles we will discover when and how the world will end. That approach can certainly make for an exciting reading of the text, but it rarely finds the author’s central meaning. Revelation was not written to satisfy our curiosity about the future. Revelation is about God! It describes the glory of God, the power of God, and the…