Sermons by Vitaliy kutchkovskiy
Sent With A Purpose
In John 6:35-40, Jesus gives us one of the reasons he was sent.
The House(hold) that the Lord Builds
In Psalm 127, Solomon shares some wisdom that to modern readers may seem rather disjointed at first, as the metaphors used may seem unrelated. When understood rightly, the whole Psalm speaks of the proper building of godly households.
The One Who Has Made All Things Well
In Mark 7:31-37, we see Jesus heal a man who is deaf and dumb in the Decapolis, fulfilling the prophecies of Isaiah 35.
Stick with the Scriptures
In 2 Timothy 3:14-17, we find a very familiar passage to many of us where Paul exhorts Timothy to remain faithful to the simple Gospel truth he was raised on, in contrast to the false teachers who invent new doctrines to tickle the ears of their followers.
Useful Vessel in the House of God
In 2 Timothy 2:20-26, Paul uses a metaphor of vessels of gold, silver, clay and wood to describe people, but there is some disagreement amongst scholars about whom Paul is speaking and exactly what he means. Pastor Vitaliy attempts to shed some light on this difficult passage.
In 2 Timothy 2:1-7, we see Paul’s charge to his child in the faith, Timothy, to re-commit himself to the preaching of the gospel in the face of persecution, especially in light of Paul’s own dire situation as his final imprisonment leading up to his death. Paul encourages Timothy to be strengthened by grace.
Sola Gratia
In Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus tells a parable of a vineyard owner and day laborers which serves to pit our sense of fairness against grace.
Last Will & Testament
In the opening lines of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, we read the words of a man who knows he is about to die for his faith, commending his protege to continue the work in the face of opposition.
Living Under a Yoke
In 1 Timothy 6:1-2, Paul addresses the relationship of Christian employees to their employers.
New Year’s Resolutions for the Household of God
In 1 Timothy 4:11-16, Paul exhorts Timothy to not let anyone despise him for his youth. Instead, he is to: Paul’s exhortation does not apply only to Timothy, nor only to pastors or young people, but rather to all of us! We all should take these exhortations to heart as we begin a new year and resolve, in humble reliance upon the Holy Spirit, to endeavor after new obedience.
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