Sermons on All (Page 23)

All sermons listed in chronological order.

“The Seventh Trumpet” (Revelation 11:15-19)

The Seventh Trumpet (Rev. 11:15-19) The Church needs vision to survive. But, that needs clarification. I’m not referring to a catchy slogan that summarizes the church’s objectives. Many churches use a Vision Statement to define their purpose and how they will reach the culture. They quote Proverbs 29:18 “Without vision, the people perish!” Church planting strategists suggest coming up with a simple slogan that defines our goal and guides our mission. If we ignore this critical step, they warn that…

“The Enduring Witness of the Church” (Revelation 11:3-14)

The Enduring Witness of the Church (Rev. 11:3-14) Symbolism in apocalyptic literature is not meant to soften the impact of the passage. Revelation is filled with pictures and illustrations of the truth that magnify our sense of purpose and deepen our confidence in God’s plan. John is recording this Revelation from exile on the island of Patmos around A.D. 95. He had been banished there by the government. Whether he was preaching against the idolatry of the people in Asia…

“Safety in Numbers” (Revelation 11:1-2)

Safety in Numbers (Rev. 11:1-2) Two weeks ago we saw, from chapter ten, how John was commissioned by the Mighty Angel—a theophany of Christ portrayed with global dominion. John was re-commissioned to proclaim the revelation of judgment that he was receiving. Chapter eleven transitions from John’s personal commission to the church’s global mission. Some scholars consider this passage to be the crux of the entire book of Revelation because it forces us to pick a particular interpretive approach in order…

“The Grace of Giving” (2 Corinthians 8:1-15)

The Grace of Giving 2 Corinthians 8:1-15   Tonight we are learning about Christian giving. The grace of financial giving. There is only one other topic that could be preached that so directly strikes at our Old Man and fleshly sensibilities: overeating and obesity.   We are going to examine what the Word of God says in 2 Corinthians 8.   There are obvious pitfalls associated with the sharing of our finances. Giving unto God financially can be a reflection…

“Anticipating the Final Trumpet” (Revelation 10:1-11)

Anticipating the Final Trumpet (Rev. 10:1-11) Between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seal there was an interlude in chapter seven where John was given a vision of the church militant and triumphant. The saints on earth are promised protection from the harm of the judgments and given a vision of their future reign in glory. Following that same pattern, we have another interlude between the sixth and seventh trumpet. This interlude transitions from the demonic forces that were…

“Forgive Us Our Debts” (Matthew 6:9-15)

The Lord’s Prayer – Part 8 “Forgive Us Our Debts” (Matt. 6:9-15) Prayer is children coming before their Heavenly Father, offering Him praise and adoration for who He is, expressing our desire to see His kingdom established and purified, and requesting for His will to be done in and through us. Last week, we looked at the fourth petition which teaches us to pray for our daily bread. We begin by acknowledging that we do not deserve outward blessings, but…

“The Futility of Idolatry” (Revelation 9:13-21)

The Futility of Idolatry (Rev. 9:13-21) One frustrating tendency of Christians is their incessant search for innovative ways to worship God. We crave novel means of approaching God because we don’t like the results we are currently achieving. People who are generally dissatisfied with the depth of their spiritual experience—which is all of us at some level—are prone to look for creative approaches to worship. This is why being grounded in historic orthodox Christianity is crucial if we are going…

“Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” (Matthew 6:9-15)

The Lord’s Prayer – Part 7 “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” (Matt. 6:9-15) Whenever we come to God in prayer we begin by acknowledging his heavenly majesty and power. That is why we say “Our Father in Heaven”. We know he is holy and transcendent, but we have personally experienced his fatherly kindness. By sending his Son, the Father made a way for us to be adopted into his family. Through faith in Jesus we pray as children…

“The Misery of Unbelief” (Revelation 8:13-9:12)

The Misery of Unbelief (Rev. 8:13-9:12) John is writing from exile on the island of Patmos to the Universal Church in order to prepare them for the trials they will inevitably face and encourage them to persevere. The vision includes warning and encouragement. Heavenly glory is followed by divine judgment. Last week, we began the second cycle of judgments looking at the first four trumpets. With each successive blast another judgment resulted in the de-creation of a third of the…