Sermons from June 2016
Paul in Corinth (Acts 18:1-17)
Reasoning and Persuading (1-5) Rejection and Perseverance (6-11) Law and Gospel (12-17)
Jerusalem the Capital of Athens (Acts 17:16-34)
Introduction Tertullian, “What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem?”1 What is the proper relationship between the Church and the culture? Jerusalem versus Athens: “I have nothing to learn from culture, but listen to me.” Athens versus Jerusalem: “I will adjust my faith according to cultural recommendations.” Jerusalem segregated from Athens: “My faith is a private matter, separate from my view of everything else.” Jerusalem integrated with Athens: “I pick and choose aspects from my faith and the culture to determine my actions.” Jerusalem…
An Upside Down World (Acts 17:1-15)
Introduction Violence of Anti-Trump protestors nothing new. When you can’t persuade people with reason, using force is faster and easier. Candidates reaction to blame opponent nothing new. Trump blames Clinton for sending professional agitators. Clinton blames Trump for instigating the violence. We will see very similar tactics in our text this morning. 2MJ > Call to Macedonia > Philippi: Conversions of Lydia and Jailer > Asked to leave (16:39). Read Acts 17:1-15 Mob violence is nothing new. How should we respond? Luke highlights…
Ministry in Philippi (Acts 16:11-40)
Introduction 2MJ began in conflict and continued in confusion. Paul blocked by the Spirit. Macedonia was not on Paul’s initial itinerary. Read Acts 16:11-40 No mass conversion, just a few important individuals embrace Christ by faith, which implies “regeneration”. Redemption Accomplished and Applied, John Murray, “The believing and loving response which the calling requires is a moral and spiritual impossibility on the part of one who is dead in trespasses and sins.” God must begin that work! God’s initiating grace dramatically…