Sermons from June 2024

Come, Everyone Who Thirsts

Isaiah 55 is a passage of great hope and encouragement, held out to those who long for freedom from sin and the fullness of life found only in Jesus Christ.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

Joseph, A Righteous Man

Drawing from a selection of passages from the gospels of Matthew and Luke, Scott Parrish exhorts fathers to Godly living and Biblical Masculinity, drawing from the examples of Joseph, the father of Jesus.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

Stick with the Scriptures

In 2 Timothy 3:14-17, we find a very familiar passage to many of us where Paul exhorts Timothy to remain faithful to the simple Gospel truth he was raised on, in contrast to the false teachers who invent new doctrines to tickle the ears of their followers.