Sermon Archive (Page 51)

The Risen King (Matthew 28:1-10)

Introduction The resurrection is crucial to Christianity. It is the central topic of Apostolic preaching and writing. Last week, Palm Sunday, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey to shouts of “Hosanna!” He was treated like a king. But by Thursday night he was being arrested, mocked, and beaten. By Friday morning the Romans were scourging and crucifying him. Easter Sunday transitions from humiliation to exaltation. Read Matthew 28:1-10 Harold Best, Unceasing Worship: “We begin with one fundamental fact about…

Condemnation of Samaria (Amos 4:1-5)

“I was much in fasting, watching, praying, saying of masses, and the like. Yet under the cloak of my outward respectability I continually mistrusted, doubted, feared, hated, and blasphemed God. My righteousness was a filthy puddle. Satan loves such saints.” – Martin Luther

Church and State (1 Peter 2:13-17)

Introduction This is an important message when many are mocking, delegitimizing, and sabotaging the president. We need to consider what the bible says about civil authorities. However, would you receive this message with the same enthusiasm were it preached last year? Peter is addressing all levels of civil authorities. Live differently, yet exemplary lives by abstaining from lustful passions and maintaining honorable conduct. Keep in mind the theme from v.3, Christians are to crave/“long for pure spiritual milk.” As you…

The Lion Has Roared (Amos 3:1-8)

Introduction Do you understand biblical judgment? Do passages like this make you uncomfortable? Honestly, I think that’s the point. If you can read about God’s judgment in a lackadaisical manner, you aren’t understanding it. Amos’ oracles of judgment have turned from the nations to Judah and Israel. Read Amos 3:1-8 It is confusing. It is unsettling. We haven’t made it to the comforting sections yet. These words are meant to convict us. The crimes the audience committed against God and one another…

Judgment of the Hypocrite (Amos 2:4-16)

Introduction Have you ever been punished for mocking the punishment of others? While you’re laughing at the discipline of your brother, your father or mother turns to you. Amos has been called out of his life as a sheep-breeder (1:1) to declare the Lord’s roar from Zion (1:2). He has proclaimed judgment of the nations (1:3-2:3). Now he turns his attention to the people of God. Read Amos 2:4-16 Punishment falls upon the covenant people too! God expects obedience. He…

Crave Christ (1 Peter 2:1-3)

Introduction Peter makes application explicit (20/25 verses contain “you”/“your”). He reminded them of their hope, joy, and salvation in Christ so that they might love one another sincerely and earnestly (1:22). Read 1 Peter 2:1-3 Atlantic (August 2016): “How the Percentage of Americans Who Go to Church Every Week Is Changing” Roughly 51 percent of Americans say they go to church or another worship service somewhere between once a month and multiple times per week, while 49 percent said they go rarely…