Four Major Views of Eschatology
A Critique of Postmillennialism
Amillennialism (Cont.) This series is primarily based upon the arguments found in The Bible and the Future by Anthony Hoekema. What Has Already Happened? The millennium of Rev. 20:1-6 is figurative. Why? We are currently in the MR and it’s been well over 1,000yrs since Christ’s first coming. Satan has been bound since the cross (Rev. 20:1-3) and shortly before Christ’s return he will be released “for a little while.” Where is Christ? He is reigning in heaven. The soul…
An Introduction to Amillennialism
I grew up in a church that didn’t take doctrine very seriously at all. The preaching was topical and filled with far more stories and illustrations than biblical instruction. We did whatever was popular among evangelicals. I grew up with a dispensational view of the end times although I wouldn’t have been able to defend it. Dallas Theological Seminary was training many with the dispensational theology of John Darby and C.I. Scofield. The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey…