Sermons on All (Page 6)

All sermons listed in chronological order.

Back to the Future

Zephaniah 3 gives us an unusual perspective: an Old Testament prophet speaking of the Day of the Lord. In this passage we consider three things:
low angle view of cross against sky at night

New Year’s Resolutions for the Household of God

In 1 Timothy 4:11-16, Paul exhorts Timothy to not let anyone despise him for his youth. Instead, he is to: Paul’s exhortation does not apply only to Timothy, nor only to pastors or young people, but rather to all of us! We all should take these exhortations to heart as we begin a new year and resolve, in humble reliance upon the Holy Spirit, to endeavor after new obedience.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

The Creation of Marriage

Continuing from last week, in Matthew 19:5-6 Jesus corrects the pharisees’ understanding of marriage by going back to its creation in Genesis 2.
low angle view of cross against sky at night

The Creation of Male and Female

In Matthew 19:3-4, Jesus corrects the pharisees in their understanding of marriage by going back to creation. So also in this modern era must we correct our own and our culture’s misunderstandings about the sexuality and gender by returning to scripture.