Sermons from 2024 (Page 3)
The Extraordinary, Ordinary Church
In Acts 2:42-47 we see the list of simple things that the early church was devoted to: The early church grew in extraordinary ways through their faithful use of these ordinary means.
The House(hold) that the Lord Builds
In Psalm 127, Solomon shares some wisdom that to modern readers may seem rather disjointed at first, as the metaphors used may seem unrelated. When understood rightly, the whole Psalm speaks of the proper building of godly households.
Acquiring a Spouse
In 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, Paul admonishes the Christians in Thessalonica to abstain from sexual immorality.
Stephen’s Speech
In Acts 6:8 through 7:60 we see Stephen giving a lengthy summary of redemptive history, subtly turning the charges brought by his accusers back upon their own heads.
The One Who Has Made All Things Well
In Mark 7:31-37, we see Jesus heal a man who is deaf and dumb in the Decapolis, fulfilling the prophecies of Isaiah 35.
Come, Everyone Who Thirsts
Isaiah 55 is a passage of great hope and encouragement, held out to those who long for freedom from sin and the fullness of life found only in Jesus Christ.
Joseph, A Righteous Man
Drawing from a selection of passages from the gospels of Matthew and Luke, Scott Parrish exhorts fathers to Godly living and Biblical Masculinity, drawing from the examples of Joseph, the father of Jesus.
Walking Together in Love
Scott Parrish explores the theme of love in the gospel and epistles of John, starting in John 13:34-35.
Stick with the Scriptures
In 2 Timothy 3:14-17, we find a very familiar passage to many of us where Paul exhorts Timothy to remain faithful to the simple Gospel truth he was raised on, in contrast to the false teachers who invent new doctrines to tickle the ears of their followers.
Sardis: The Dying Church
In Revelation 3:1-6, we read the letter from Jesus to the church at Sardis. It is a solemn reminder to us to remain vigilant and active in love and good works, lest we fall under a similar condemnation.