Sermons on All (Page 7)
All sermons listed in chronological order.
In Trouble, Turn to Prayer
In Psalm 5 we see David’s commitment to prayer.
Bearing Fruit and Trusting God
Mark 11:12-25
The Fugitive’s Reponse
In Psalm 54 we see David’s response to the betrayal of the Ziphites: first in Prayer, then Preaching, then Praise.
To the Church at Ephesus
Join Pastor Dieleman as he explores the words of Jesus to the Church at Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7
O How I Love Your Law!
In Psalm 1 and Psalm 119, we see the psalmist’s love for the law of God. We can categorize the laws of God in three ways, and use them in three distinct ways.
Spiritual Depression
We join the Psalmist in Psalms 42 and 43 as he sings through external tragedy, internal despondency, and wrestling with God, and clinging to Christ.
Living in Grace
Join us in Titus 2:11-14 as Keith DeLong walks us from Grace to Gratitude to Glory.
Friends and Enemies of Jesus
Join Jesus for dinner at the home of Simon the Leper in John 12. We will learn something of what it means to be a friend and child of Jesus, and what it means to be an enemy of Jesus. In Mary, Lazarus, and Martha: what it looks like to love and serve the Lord; in Judas, what it looks like to only love and serve self.
Acts 20
Brad relays to us Paul’s final charge to the Ephesian elders in his last sermon to the church.
Devoted to Prayer
Join Brad Mills as he examines Acts 2:42 and the early church’s devotion to prayer.